Ancient Forts and Camps

ancient Gallic Warrior ringed wooden fort

The Gallic/Pictish warriors brought the "Mohawk pony-do" to north America. The Pony-maned Phoenician warrior above left, is off of the Knossos Phaistos disc. The terracotta hero's spiral disc memorial tells his life story in spiral form on each side. The Picts, Gaels/Celts were also builders of all the ringed forts, rondels, stone circles and henges. The fort above right, is an ancient "Wood-Henge" fort in Germany. Many of the Phoenician warriors came through the Great Lakes areas, and other accessible waterways.

creek Indians sported Gaelic warrior Mohawks Creek Indians lived in Celtic forts and round houses

Painting above left, are Creek Indians in the 1800s. They built and lived in Celtic round houses (castros), in fenced forts as did the ancient Celts/Basques in Europe, although using stones or mud with sticks for side walls.

Cretan Temple ruins What Knososs Village probably looked like

Above left, is a restored version of the remains of the Cretan Temple-Academy devastated by an earthquake, now called the Minoan Temple. The Warrior's Phaistos disc memorial was found inside. On right is a restored version of the accompanying College-Academy Campus City.Similar architecture can be found in Tibet, Bhutan and other old-style far-east townships. Women's Tibetan clothing is hand-down styles after Archaic Balkan ancestors.

Gallic warriors in their dragon-dog boats Phaistos disc that was found in ruined Cretan temple

Coin above left, shows pony-maned Gaelic warriors in their 'Dragon-Dog' Canoe with giant Sea-horse acompanying them. Much later the Phoenicians were called Vikings which means traveler. Above right, is the Phaistos disc memorial stone which was discovered in the ruined Cretan Academy (temple) and in the simple for kids to read Linear-B, "cookie-cutter" script cut into the clay tells the life story of a boy who becomes a warrior and later a monk of the Academy/temple. An ancient poem about the Phoenicians (Ionian Greeks: Celts) Can be found here

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